Innovative Field Services Management:
experience excellent results

Most banks, credit unions, credit bureaus or other businesses cannot invest the time to organize and manage the field services that they need. That's why CAC Services is here to help. Our experience as bankers, inspectors and collectors allows us to understand and effectively assist our clients. Founded in 2009, CAC Services arranges via our web-based software platform to have field services completed by highly professional independent agents and inspectors.

Hands-on approach

CAC Services’ customer support team, managers, and executives are easy to reach on the phone or by email. Being trusted with managing our client's out-sourced field services means we roll up our sleeves and deliver results.


Reports include detailed information in a concise, accurate, and well-written format.

Nationwide coverage

CAC Services arranges to put feet on the ground where needed. Hundreds of independently contracted inspectors and agents are ready to deploy right away.

Fast results

A cloud-based system is designed specifically to securely facilitate order management, and field inspectors are incented to achieve fast results.

We Serve All Types of Clients

  • Finance

    Field Contact or "Door-Knock" services have long been used by finance companies and are a tool to collect on delinquent loans.

    Auto loans, unsecured loans, title loans, personal property loans - any consumer loan - can use CAC Services field contact service. When customers do not respond to phone calls, letters, email and text messages, the best way to get them to respond is in-person communication

  • Leasing

    Lease-end inspections are critical to lessors.

    Our friendly and detail-oriented inspectors provide lessors reports that include up to 30 photos, including damage or excess wear and tear photos, wheel and tire photos, and interior photos so lessors can successfully negotiate the lease maturity process.

  • Auto Lenders

    Our management team's background is in the auto lending industry.

    Management formed the company because it was clear that field services could be improved for users – and we have transformed the quality and speed of field contact services.

  • Insurance

    Office or business site inspections are provided with nationwide coverage.
  • Banks

    Our services are useful for banks of all sizes.

    Our clients include the largest of national banks to small community banks. We customize our service for each client's needs.

  • Credit Unions

    CAC Services understands the special relationship between credit unions and their members.

    Our "Customer Care Call©" is the perfect solution for communicating with members.

  • Credit Bureaus

    We provide business verifications and physical site inspections as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to credit bureaus and credit bureau resellers.
  • Facilities Management

    Whether one-time or recurring, our inspectors will report on the condition and compliance for dark stores or in-use commercial space. Our inspection management software allows our clients to customize their inspection form to meet their needs.
  • Solar Finance

    Our experience in field contact services also extends to supporting solar finance companies by providing comprehensive inspections, deactivations, reactivations, and verification services.

Need more information?
Don't hesitate to get in touch.

Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Pacific, Monday-Friday

Someone from our team will be happy to explore whether the services we help provide for our clients are right for you, too.

We have a variety of additional materials we can share with prospective clients, such as samples, reports, and efficacy studies.

We welcome all inquiries.

P.O. Box 4685 Santa Barbara, CA 93140

Feel free to ask any question and we'll get in touch ASAP.

Customer Testimonials

  • Carolyn Sunstreet

    "Seems to be a successful strategy, since we started I’m finding ~ 50% of our customers we dispatched door knocks to are current 1-2 months later."

    — Carolyn Pino
    Director, Asset Management
  • Jeff Four Stars Finance

    "CAC Services provides Detailed Inspections to help us manage our auto lease portfolio, principally at lease maturity.   They are fast and easy to work with.  Their report includes multiple photographs with very specific information. They are very effective and have improved our efficiencies, lowered our end of term cost and reduced the total number of lease returns."

    — Jeff
    General Manager, Four Stars Finance
  • Dave Prescher CRB Auto

    "You said you get results and you do. CAC Services does the best work in the business, in a compliant fashion. Thank you."

    — Dave Prescher
    Co-President, CRB Auto
  • Leon Wells Fargo Dealer Services

    "During a critical time of the year I found my operation extremely short staffed.  We double our usual amount of field calls in the hopes of maintaining our monthly goals.  Not only did these additional field calls generate in-bound calls, they improve employees morale during a very stressful time. 

    Your door-knock service has given my team an additional resource.  Thanks My regional office spends the most on field services month in and month out.  Every month corporate asks me to cut back and every month I remind them which region has the lowest delinquencies.  That ends the conversation about cutting back."

    — Leon
    Regional Manager, Wells Fargo Dealer Services
  • Shweta Wells Fargo Dealer Services

    Thank You!
    These figures definitely will help me find more opportunity to make more contact and improve my personal contact rate. I will definitely be sending out more chases for sure in December and you will be seeing them.

    Just wanted to let you all know that field contact is a very effective tool for us in the collection side. I am very happy with your service and all the help you company and team provide us. Thank You

    — Shweta
    Chicago Regional Business Center, Wells Fargo Dealer Services
  • Dave Prescher CRB Auto

    "You said you get results and you do. CAC Services does the best work in the business, in a compliant fashion. Thank you."

    — Dave Prescher
    Co-President, CRB Auto